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Alevtina’s diamond studded navel tickled and tortured by debt collectors – RF#02



Video Specifications

Resolution : 1920×1080
Size: 2.83GB
Length : 00:49:03

The other day the young man gave his friend Alevtina a beautiful diamond  ring  for the navel. The girl happily accepted this gift. She couldn’t even think about the fact that her new boyfriend, with whom she met recently, was a professional burglar. He robbed a mansion of a very rich and powerful gangster. Among this diamond which turned out to be in the navel of a blissful and young cutie, a lot of jewellery was stolem also. She would have lived several dozen lives for the same amount of money. The true owner of the diamond hired debt collectors to regain his wealth, and they quickly got the trail of Alevtina. It isn’t enough for the influential gangster to return diamond and other jewellery, he wants retribution and suffering for the thief.

Who would have thought that it was this evening when Alevtina was sitting at home and doing her homework, the doorbell would ring…